Sarıyer Denta Vita Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic Istanbul
Curettage-Dental Deep Cleaning-Istanbul
What is dental curettage? (Deep cleaning)

With dental curettage treatment, it is aimed to improve dental health by cleaning the tartar, inflamed structures and damaged tissues in the inner part of the gums. It is a safe, highly preferred periodontal application that is used in the treatment of gum diseases and is also important for pink aesthetics. Compared to scaling, curettage treatment is done at a deeper level. For this reason, it is also called 'deep cleaning'.
How is curettage treatment done?
What are the advantages of curettage therapy?
What should be considered after dental plaque removal?
To prevent or minimize the formation of dental plaque, the causes of dental calculus should be eliminated. Those who have tartar removal should pay attention to some rules after tartar cleaning. The steps to be taken for this could be as follows:
The recommendations of dentists about tartar should be followed.
Articles written about dental calculus should be read on websites such as magazines, books, and reliable information.
Eating should be interrupted for at least 2 hours after dental plaque removal.
It is normal to have hot and cold sensitivity within a few days after dental plaque removal. For this reason, hot and cold things should be avoided as much as possible, especially within the first 24 hours after the treatment.
Sensitive teeth may have mild pain after treatment. In this case, pain relievers can be used.
To speed healing, a glass of warm water can be gargled by adding salt.
The most important precaution is to continue oral and dental care regularly and correctly. It is very important that the soft layers of food and microbes are removed immediately with daily care before they become hard plaques and stones. Although oral care after scaling can be strenuous for the patient, brushing and flossing should be continued. Tooth brushing should not be unidirectional, but should also be in the form of brushing the back surfaces of the teeth. When brushing your teeth, hold the brush at a 45-degree angle to the gum line. Brush in circles with tiny movements half the size of the teeth. Brushing hard teeth can cause tooth sensitivity and gum recession and erosion of tooth enamel. Interfacial brushes can provide a good cleaning where the toothbrush is not effective. It should not be forgotten that more serious hard plaque on teeth. problems may occur if regular oral care is not performed. In case of tooth sensitivity, suitable brushes that will not damage the gums should be selected. Information about toothpaste should be obtained from the dentist. Although it is stated that there are pastes that prevent the formation of tartar in the markets, the first thing to do is an effective oral and dental care. Mouthwashes with antiseptic properties can also be preferred. One of the questions asked is whether the dental calculus reoccurs after cleaning. If the necessary oral and dental care is not done, tartar may occur again.
Depending on the gingival structure, there may be slight bleeding after plaque on teeth cleaning. Bleeding will disappear after regular oral and dental care.
As the stone deposits at the bottom of the teeth are cleaned, the gaps between the teeth may increase slightly after the treatment. You shouldn't fuss.
Teeth may continue to wobble after treatment, as the tooth support tissue is lost or the supporting tissue weakens due to gingivitis, which can be seen as gingivitis (mild gingivitis) or periodontitis (the presence of infection that spreads to the root and gums, even to the bone). This situation is temporary. With cleaning, the tooth support tissue will be strengthened in a short time.
Attention should be paid to a balanced diet, fibrous food consumption should be emphasized, and excessive consumption of sugary and bakery products should be avoided. It should not be forgotten that acidic foods will accelerate the formation of tartar. Consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits should be increased. These types of foods increase the amount of saliva. Increased saliva has a reducing effect on the number of microbes that accelerate plaque formation.
One of the most common questions on the internet is whether smoking causes calculus teeth or does smoking cause calculus teeth. Smoking, which can cause many diseases, can also cause tartar. For this reason, it should be terminated if possible, otherwise it should be reduced.
You should go to the dentist for an examination every six months. If the gingiva is observed and areas with inflammation are still observed when the patient comes for control, the cleaning process should be repeated. After the cleaning process, the patient should pay attention to oral and dental care, while the dentist should follow the patient he recorded.
Frequently Asked Questions about Deep Cleaning-Istanbul
Is dental calculus removal a painful treatment?
There is no need to worry about whether tartar cleaning will hurt. Tooth cleaning done properly is not a painful treatment. During dental cleaning, tartar is cleaned and stains are removed. If there is gingivitis or tooth extraction, there may be some sensitivity. In this case, if there is mild pain or pain, painkillers can be used.
How long does tartar cleaning take? How many sessions does dental scaling take?
Cleaning teeth varies according to the depth of tartar and the amount on the teeth. The cleaning process takes about 30 minutes on average. In the presence of dense dental calculus, the cleaning time may take up to 1 hour. Treatment is usually completed in a single session. In the presence of advanced gum diseases, the number of sessions may ???
What is the dental plaque removal section?
Questions such as which department does the cleaning of dental calculus are among the questions we frequently encounter. People who are looking for a specialist for this treatment are in search. The department that deals with calculus cleaning and performs treatments in this direction is the periodontology department of dentistry.