Dental Implant & Full Mouth Dental Implants
Dental Implants - Dental Implant cost in Turkey

With dental implants treatment, it is possible to eliminate the negativities caused by your missing teeth in terms of both health and aesthetics. Moreover, with good oral care and following the recommendations after dental implant treatment, the implant can be used comfortably for a lifetime.
What is dental implant?
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots consisting of 3 main parts: crown, abutment and screw.
What is dental implant treatment?
It is the placement of dental implants in the jawbone to correct the problems caused by missing teeth or teeth that have lost their function. With the implant tooth, you can fulfill all the functions of the lost natural tooth and have a healthy, aesthetic and comfortable mouth structure. Implant treatment is the most preferred dental treatment method that does not damage the jawbone and teeth, gives better results than bridges and prostheses.
How much are dental implants?
We can list the factors that affect the cost of dental implant treatment in general as follows.
Dentist: The more experience and expertise the dentist has over time, the more likely the treatment will be successful. It usually increases in cost.
City where dental clinic is located: Clinics in big cities have higher expenses and service quality.
The number and brand of implants to be inserted: The cost varies according to the number and brand of the implant.
Additional procedures needed: additional procedures such as bone grafting, sinus lift or gum disease treatment change the cost.
How much are dental implants in Turkey?
In addition to the above factors, implant tooth prices in Turkey also have exchange rate changes and incentive policies in the field of health tourism. Due to these factors, prices are more affordable than in Europe and the United States.
How is dental implant treatment done?
A dental implant is a small, solid, artificial tooth root that acts like the root structure of a natural tooth. Implants are surgically placed in the upper or lower jaw. After the healing period, the dental implant fuses with the bone and is supported by the surrounding gingival tissue, forming a strong anchor. A dental crown, bridge, or denture is then attached to the metal post and can be used like natural teeth.
Dental implant treatment in Turkey in 9 steps
Dental implant treatment is an procedure that differs from patient to patient. Because the patient's jaw-mouth structure and preferences vary. For this reason, patient-specific treatment planning is made.
1. The general health status of the patient is checked
The general health status of the patient who comes to the clinic for the implant is checked.
2. If necessary, imaging and measurements are made:
The structure of the patient's jawbone and the condition of the gums are examined. Radiographic or three-dimensional tomographic images are taken to determine whether the patient's oral structure is suitable for implant application, and if appropriate, the place to be implanted is determined. At the end of the evaluations, it is also decided which features and sizes of implants will be used.
3. The dentist discusses the treatment with the patient:
After the preliminary examination and examinations are over, the dentist meets with the patient. The patient is informed about the implant to be used, how the application will be performed and its duration, and the cost of the implant application. After the decision for implant treatment is made, treatment is started.
4. The mouth area is anesthetized with local anesthesia:
As in treatments such as tooth extraction and filling, local anesthesia is given to the patient and the area to be treated with implant teeth is anesthetized. Thus, the patient does not feel any pain during the implantation.
5. If necessary, extra treatments are applied:
If there is no infection in the patient's oral structure and the bone width is sufficient for the application, a dental implant can be inserted into the empty space immediately after the teeth are extracted. If the teeth have been extracted long ago and there is only one tooth socket, additional application is required. For this, the mucosa on the jawbone is cut very little and the jawbone is exposed. A new slot is opened on the bone and the implant specially selected for the patient is placed in this slot. Sinus lift could be done before implant treatment.
6. The cut area is sutured:
After the implant is placed, the small cut area is sutured. A temporary prosthesis is made for the patient until the permanent ones are made. The patient can do all eating and drinking activities without overloading this prosthesis.
7. Stitches are removed at the end of the required time:
7-10 days after the operation, the stitches are removed and the application site is checked by the physician. In this process, the physician may want to follow the condition and healing process of the implant by taking x-rays, if necessary.
8. A period of time is expected for the implantation of the prosthesis on the dental implant:
The first stage of the implant application is over. Although it varies according to the patient's bone structure and the surgical procedure, after 2-3 months, the transition to the prosthesis process, which we call the upper region of the implant, is made.
9. Modeling is done with appointments and implant superstructure is placed:
During the three-month healing period, there will be improvements and fusions in the bone. During this period, the physician calls the patient for an appointment several times to measure and model the prosthesis. It is useful to take measurements again and again, as there may be shifts in the prosthesis. Appointments are essential as the oral structure and tooth position of the patients vary. Implant veneers take their final shape after the patient's approval and are placed on the implant with a simple application at the end of 3 months.
Who is dental implant treatment performed to?

In which cases is dental implant treatment performed? In order to find answers to the questions of who receives implant treatment, some measurements and evaluations should be made by the dentist. The patient's jaw structure and gingival condition, age, some chronic diseases, addiction level to harmful substances, the patient's preference (such as wanting to have a tooth implant instead of a bridge or prosthesis) are important for tooth implant treatment. People who can be treated with dental imlant are listed below:
People whose jawbone has grown and developed sufficiently.
Generally, the bone structures and sizes of people over the age of 18 are suitable for dental implant treatment. However, even people younger than 18 years of age, whose jawbone is sufficiently developed, can also be implanted. In order to make the decision for tooth implant treatment, it is necessary to determine the development in the jawbone with x-ray or tography measurements.
Those who have good general health
Tooth replacement treatment is applied to those who have good general health.
People who have missing teeth or teeth for various reasons
Dental implant treatment can be applied to those who do not have any teeth in their mouths. Lack of teeth can cause melting of the jawbone. Dental implant application is a good remedy to prevent osteoporosis.
Those who have non-functional teeth
Those who have loose, deformed or non-functioning teeth and want to have strong and aesthetically beautiful teeth
Those who have difficulties due to the prosthesis they have used
Screwed teeth are made to prevent disturbing situations such as the prosthesis constantly moving, falling and hitting the palate, and the patient starts using the prosthesis with the support of the implant. Thus, the prosthesis will not fall and the patient will use the prosthesis more comfortably.
Those who have sufficient bone width for screwed tooth treatment
If there is not enough width, enough width is opened with the technique called grafting and dental implant is started
dentaI implant treatment will be a good option.
What should be considered after dental implant treatment?
After the implant treatment, the recommendations of the dentist should be followed. The following recommendations will facilitate recovery after the operation.
The tampon should be kept in the mouth for a sufficient time:
If the procedure is done after tooth extraction, the tampon placed in the mouth should be bitten for about 30 minutes and the tampon should be prevented from falling. Bleeding in the form of leakage may last a little longer. When the tampon does not work and becomes uncomfortable, you can replace it with a new tampon.
Movements that activate the mouth muscles should not be done.
Spitting should not be done vigorously. The wound area should not be irritated. Constant conversations can increase bleeding due to movement in the mouth muscles.
Smoking and alcohol use should be terminated:
Even if smoking and alcohol habits cannot be stopped, they should not be used at least until the stitches are removed. Smoking and alcohol habits should be terminated at least 15-20 days before screw thread application. As mentioned before, cigarettes and alcohol have effects that delay wound healing and increase bleeding.
The head should be kept elevated:
Rest after the operation. Lie down with your head up, with a few pillows under your head.
Oral and dental care should not be neglected after tooth implant treatment:
Do not use mouthwash for 12 hours after implant treatment. After 12 hours, you can gargle with salt water. For this, it is enough to put half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Continue regular tooth brushing, being careful and sensitive in the application area. After meals, gently clean the food residues on the suture in the implanted area with a soaked tampon.
Ice treatment should be applied to prevent swelling:
Trauma during the placement of the implant to the jawbone may cause swelling and bruising unintentionally. On the first day, you can prevent or minimize swelling by keeping an ice pack on the application area for 5 minutes and resting for 8 minutes at regular intervals. You should repeat this application several times at certain intervals. Care should be taken as keeping ice for a long time can cause ice burns. Existing swelling and bruising will disappear in a few days.
The medicines given by the dentist should be used regularly:
Do not use aspirin, which has bleeding-increasing properties. Instead, use the painkillers prescribed by your doctor. The physician may have prescribed antibiotics to prevent the development of infection. Use as recommended. You can use mouthwash. Leave the mouthwash in the mouth for 2-3 minutes and rinse your mouth.
Nutrition after dental implant should be considered:
Nothing should be eaten or drunk in the first 2 hours following the treatment. Liquid and soft foods should be preferred. Hard foods can damage the operation site. Do not consume carbonated, acidic, very hot and cold foods and drinks. Never use alcohol As much as possible, do not chew with the implant treated area. Return to your normal diet in a few days and drink plenty of water.
The seams should not be irritated:
Do not irritate the seams, especially with your tongue. You can have your stitches removed in 7-10 days. If stitches that can be absorbed by the body have been made, you will not need to have stitches removed. Do not neglect your appointments if your doctor calls you for a check-up.
What is non-surgical implant treatment?
We apply the non-surgical implant treatment in our clinic. The latest scanning technology enables us to operate stitchless implant treatment without the need to cut your gums. There is no pain, no bleeding, no stitchles or cut. Having the operation non-invasive eliminate the risk of infection and other complications. When operating old-method implant treatment we need to cut the gums and open the flaps in order to expose the bone to find the spot where the implant shall be placed.
That invasive procedure makes the stitches mandatory. With guided implant technology we can determine where to place the implants prior to the operation by using advanced scanning systems. That way we don't have to cut your gums or stitch it. We call it non-surgical because there is no cuts or stitches involved. We operate non-surgical implant treatment with a navigation system called X-Guide.
X-guide pre-operation planning enables us to operate implant treatments without the need to cut your gums. Which invariably means that you don't need any stitches post implant placement. Therefore the whole operation is completely painless and the recovery is extremely fast. Sarıyer Denta Vita Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic is one of a few clinics in Turkey to operate implant treatment with this new method.
What is guided implant?

Guided dental implant surgery is when the dentist utilizes advanced machinery and imaging technology to ‘guide’ or aid them to manufacture and place dental implants more efficiently, precisely and accurately.
What is computer guided implant?
A Computer Guided Implant uses 3/D Volumetric Tomography Images, which are then fed into a dental simulation program. The procedure is painless, operation-free quick (lasting about an hour), and does not require cutting in to the gums and the necessity of remedial stitches. The basic principle of this technology is to insert the implant directly into your bone without cutting your bones. Therefore no stitches is required.
Same-day guided surgery
We can scan our patients, plan treatment and perform surgery in just one single visit. Dynamic surgery offers the benefits of guided surgery without the need for surgical templates.
This treatment method
Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Implant Istanbul
Dental implant cost in Istanbul?
Implant prices vary depending on various reasons. The factors that affect the implant price are listed below.
Dentist's knowledge and experience about dental implant treatment:
It is the most important factor that determines the implant price. Dental implant treatment is not performed by every dentist with the same success. The knowledge and experience of the dentist who will make the implant tooth, whether he is an expert in this field or not, will mediate the success of the operation and the relief of the patient's complaints.
Extra treatments before tooth replacement increase the cost:
Not every patient's jawbone may be suitable for dental implant application. If the patient has lost his tooth for any reason and the extracted area has been empty for a long time, meltdowns may occur in the jaw bones. In this case, bone augmentation is required for tooth implant treatment, since there are losses in the jaw bones. Although this process is a simple application, it increases the cost of dental implants. There is no extra cost for the implant placement work that will be done immediately after tooth extraction.
Brand and feature of the implant to be inserted:
There are many brands of dental implants in the market. Implant prices also vary due to dental implants whose costs vary.
Number of implant teeth to be made:
Since it will increase the number of implants to be used, the implant price will also be high.
The feature of the structure on the implant:
Since the materials to be made on the implant have different properties, the prices of the implants also change.
Exchange rates:
Due to the increase in exchange rates, implant prices, especially imported from countries such as Germany and Switzerland, are not stable and are constantly increasing. Domestic implant prices are relatively cheaper.
Our recommendation is to go to a dental clinic and be examined before doing an implant price research and to do a price research after the examination.
Are dental implants painful?
We often come across patients suffering from questions such as will I feel pain during the implant or is the dental implant treatment painful? Since dental implant treatment is performed under local anesthesia and the area is anesthetized, the patient does not feel pain during the insertion of the tooth implant.
During some implant treatments, which are thought to be difficult, general anesthesia can also be performed according to the patient's preference. Since some operations are performed on the jawbone and gingiva during the operation, some pain may be felt after the application (such as the pain felt sometimes after tooth extraction). These pains can be reduced or prevented with painkillers given by the dentist.
At the end of the dental implant treatment, swelling and bruising can be seen in the operation area. Ice treatment for 5 minutes for a few days reduces the swelling and relieves the pain caused by the swelling.
How long do dental implants last?
The duration of use of the implant may vary from person to person. The implant can be used for life in cases where oral care and bone measurements are made periodically and smoking and alcohol use are terminated. There are patients who have been followed for 20-30 years and they use their implants comfortably. Since the nature that we lost an implant tooth is similar to the tooth, the same care should be taken for it. Otherwise, the implant will also fill its expiration date. In order to benefit from the implant for a long time, you must comply with what we have explained in the post-treatment section.
Success rate of implant
It is one of the treatments with high success (92-96%) in general. The success rate depends on several factors. The most important of these are bone density in the patient's jaw, general health status, oral health, the skill of the physician and the quality of the material used.
Are dental implants permanent?
After successful treatment, the life of dental implants extends to approximately 20-30 years. However, the factors that affect the success of the implant also affect its life.
Who does not get dental implants?
There are patient groups where dental implants cannot be applied. In some patients, dental implants can be placed after taking special precautions. In which cases the implant cannot be applied is determined by the interviews of the dentist and the physician who is an expert on the patient's disease.
Which are the best implants brand?
The experience and knowledge of the dentist and his expertise in the implant business are more important than the implant brand. Although there are brands that are in demand in terms of quality, it will be more accurate for you to find the best dentist. The dentist will advise you best implants that fits your budget.
At what age can an implant be placed?
Can implant teeth be applied at any age? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by dentists. The jawbone should be developed enough to perform implant treatment. Since the jawbone generally develops in individuals over the age of 18, implants can be placed at this age. However, people who have not reached the age of 18, but whose jawbone has developed, can be implanted after the dentist's measurements using radiography and tomography methods.
Will I be toothless until post-implant dentures are fitted?
Temporary applications are made so that you can do eating and drinking activities. If the number of missing teeth is small, temporary prosthesis can be made or fixed prosthesis can be preferred by physicians. If there are no teeth in the mouth or in some special cases, fixed temporary teeth can be made with special techniques. So you will never be without teeth.
Does the tooth implant look like a normal tooth?
With the use of state-of-the-art products at the end of implant treatment, dental implant teeth look like real teeth. The use of porcelain teeth during the implant treatment in the anterior part of the mouth increases the naturalness and the teeth look like normal teeth. Prostheses made of zirconium are also preferred for natural appearance. While these are the ones that add aesthetics to the anterior teeth, titanium is generally used in molars due to its durability.
Is dental implant harmful?
Due to implant tooth application, which is one of the most frequent applications of dentists, no harmful effects have been detected so far, including cancer and allergies. Since the implants are made of materials that are fully compatible with the human body, there is no question of not being accepted by the body. However, if the doctor's recommendations are not followed after the treatment, the implant may fall because the bone and implant fusion will not be sufficient. Like all dentists, we advise you not to believe the unfounded news about implants among the public. You can have implants for a healthy, aesthetic and life-long dental treatment.
Where is the best implant treatment done in Istanbul?
Istanbul has a very important position in Turkey in terms of health tourism. Dental clinics also contribute significantly to this situation. Questions such as which is the best dental clinic in Istanbul or where the best implant is made are among the frequently asked questions. Sarıyer Denta Vita Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic is one of the best dental clinics in Istanbul in terms of the use of high-tech devices in our clinic, the fact that our dentists staff consists of people who are experts in their field, and the other staff in our clinic are well-equipped and friendly. Our clinic works with dentists who are experts in this field on implant treatment and our clinic is the best answer to the question of where the best implant in Istanbul is made.
Does implant tooth decay?
When performing implant treatment, materials suitable for the structure of the natural tooth are used and these materials are quite durable. Although solid materials are used, they do not rot when oral care is not taken care of, but they can cause gum disease. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to oral hygiene.
Is it worth going to turkey for dental implants? Are implant teeth like natural teeth?
Implant teeth are the closest teeth to natural teeth in structure. Therefore, in Istanbul implant treatment, implant teeth can be felt close to natural teeth at the end of the first habituation phase. There are nerves at the ends of natural teeth, but there are no nerves in implant teeth, so even if it is not felt completely, it does not give the feeling of having a foreign body. It is a comfortable treatment method since it does not feel like there is a foreign body in the mouth.
Does the implant make bad breath?
Titanium material is used in the content of implants.Titanium is a material compatible with tissue. Therefore, it does not cause bacterial formation. Bacteria are attached to natural teeth as well as implants, even if it is not caused by oral care, even if it does not cause bacterial formation. Bacteria attached to implants can cause bad odor. Therefore, when you brush your teeth regularly, you will not encounter such a problem.
Do implant teeth hurt in Istanbul?
The materials used in the construction of implant teeth are very solid materials and do not have nerve endings as in natural teeth, so they do not ache. They are not sensitive to hot and cold.
Why is the implant tooth attached after 3 months?
In order to perform Istanbul implant treatment well, the implants must be fused with the jaw bone. This process takes up to 3 months depending on the bone structure of the person. The faster the implants fuse with the jawbone, the faster the treatment is completed. Although the fusion of the implants with the jawbone varies from person to person, it usually takes 3 months. Therefore, after waiting for 3 months, the prostheses are fixed on the implants.
How many dental implants can be placed in one day in Istanbul?
If the jaw structure is suitable in edentulous patients, a total of 12 to 16 implants can be made in the lower and upper jaws, according to the patient's request. If the jaw structure is not suitable, the jaw implant can be placed with treatments such as bone grafting or sinus lifting. Afterwards, if the patient feels ready, 12 or 16 dental implants can be placed in one day.
Is it safe to have dental implants in Turkey?
Like all dental treatments in Turkey, dental implant treatment is also very safe. Our dentists have national and international certificates and dental clinics are strictly inspected by the Ministry of Health.
How many implants can be inserted in complete edentosis?
In completely edentulous mouths, a total of 16 implants can be placed, usually 8 in the upper jaw and 8 in the lower jaw. Depending on the situation, the number of implants to be placed in the lower jaw can be reduced. It can also be made in the form of 8 on the upper jaw and 6 on the lower jaw. Prostheses suitable for the mouth and jaw structure are prepared on it. These prostheses have 28 or 26 teeth, depending on the person's mouth structure.
To find answers to your questions about dental implant treatment, you can call our clinic and benefit from our examination service.
You can also read our article about the All on 4 dental implant technique that patients who do not have teeth in their mouths can have.
Full Mouth Dental Implant Turkey-Dental Implant Istanbul prices
Full mouth dental implant is a treatment method used by people who have no teeth left in their mouths. At the end of this treatment process, patients whose eating, oral and dental aesthetics improve and who get rid of the problems of their denture palate can breathe comfortably with their permanent fixed teeth.
What is a full mouth dental implant?

A full mouth dental implant is a treatment for patients who have lost all or most of their teeth to have permanent teeth. In this application, which is also called full or whole mouth implant treatment, titanium implants are attached to the jawbone and prostheses suitable for the patient's jaw structure are placed on these implants.
Who can have a full mouth dental implant?
Those who have no teeth:
Patients who have no teeth in their mouth or who have very few teeth that need to be extracted because they cannot function,
Those who use traditional prostheses:
(it is possible to get rid of the problems of palate prostheses with this implant treatment)
Those with sufficiently developed jawbone:
(Since the dental implant of a certain size and length should fuse well with the jawbone, full mouth dental implant is not considered suitable for patients whose jawbone is not sufficiently developed)
Those with melting in the jawbone:
Patients with melting in the jawbones due to excessive tooth deficiency, (However, after a period of bone strengthening with some surgical procedures, there is no obstacle to treatment for these patients.)
Those who are in good health:
(For this treatment, which consists of stages such as dental implant placement and prosthesis, the general health status of the patients must be absolutely good. The patients whose general health condition is not good should be expected to recover.)
There are also patients who are not suitable for a full mouth dental implant. Who is not recommended to have a full mouth dental implant?
- Those with malignant tumors,
- Those who have had serious cardiovascular disease in the last 6 months,
- Those who receive radiotherapy in the mouth, neck and face area,
- Whole mouth implant treatment is not applied to those who have diseases that destroy the immune system such as organ transplantation and AIDS.
- Diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, pregnancy carry risks for full mouth implant treatment. For this reason, specialist physicians should be consulted before the operation for this treatment.
How much are full mouth dental implants in Turkey?
Full mouth dental implant Turkey package deals;
- To the dental clinic where you intend to perform the treatment (i.e. the knowledge and experience of the dentists),
- The number, characteristics and brand of dental implants used for treatment,
- Whether procedures such as grafting, sinus lifting, which create extra costs, will be performed before the implant treatment,
- The feature of the structure (crown/bridge) to be placed on the implant,
- Depending on exchange rates
will differ. In this regard, it would not be correct to say an exact price.
Our recommendation is that you should be examined before researching dental implant prices and then do a price research.
Are dental implants cheaper in Turkey?
Compared to European countries, Türkiye offers services of higher quality and at affordable prices. Patients coming from abroad for dental implants save huge amounts.
Will I feel pain during a full mouth dental implant?
There is no pain during the full mouth dental implant. This procedure is performed after local anesthesia as in other dental implant treatments. With the local anesthesia method, which is performed as in treatments such as tooth extraction and filling, the operation area is anesthetized and pain is not felt during the treatment. According to the patient's preference, general anesthesia can also be performed after consulting with the anesthesiologist.
After full mouth implant treatment, there may be pain in the form of pain for 1-2 days. Since the gingiva is processed and the effect of the narcotic substance wears off, this pain should be considered normal. You can reduce or end these pains by using painkillers recommended by your doctor. Ice therapy for a few days after the treatment will reduce the pain and swelling in the mouth area.
What are the advantages of a full mouth dental implant?
- Patients who do not have any teeth in their mouths have permanent fixed teeth that look similar to their natural teeth,
- Prevention of bone loss and osteoporosis,
- Patients with pre-existing dentures do not need to clean their dentures,
- To get rid of the problem of hitting the palate of the dentures of patients who previously had dentures,
- Improvement in speech and chewing.
- Lifetime use if good gingival, dental and oral care is done.
- The appearance of the mouth becomes aesthetic,
- The patient is relieved because he is relieved of his troubles.
How is a full mouth dental implant done in Istanbul?
The stages of making a full mouth dental implant can be listed as follows:
Examination is carried out:
The general condition of the patient is examined in the clinic (Assays are made if necessary)
Measurements and imaging are performed:
Radiological and tomographic images are taken in the mouth and chin, and a model suitable for the mouth structure is obtained.
Bite record is taken:
The patient's bite record is taken.
The model is given its final shape:
The bite record is combined with the model and it is determined how the patient's mouth structure will look.
If necessary, extra treatment is performed:
If there is not enough bone development for treatment, extra procedures such as grafting and sinus lift are performed.
The mouth area is anesthetized:
The operation area is anesthetized by applying local anesthesia.
A small incision is made in the gingiva:
A very small incision is made in the gingiva to make an implant.
Dental implants are placed:
Dental implants are placed either immediately or after bone strengthening (depending on the case, after an average of 3 months). Although it varies according to the mouth structure, the most suitable number of dental implants is 8.
Stitches are placed on the cut area. After 7-10 days, the stitches are removed.
Rehearsals are made and the prepared prosthesis is placed:
Rehearsals are made for the last prosthetic teeth, accompanied by a few appointments. Prostheses are placed on the implants and the patient is advised. Regular check-ups are made by the dentist.
You can come to our clinic or contact us to get information about full mouth implant treatment and to benefit from our examination service.