Sarıyer Denta Vita Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic Istanbul
Gingivitis-Gum Disease Treatment-Istanbul.

Gingivitis is the most important cause of tooth loss. Approximately 70% of losses occur as a result of gum disease. The most important step for a gum health is correct and regular oral and dental care.
What is gingivitis (Gum disease)?
Gingivitis which is also called Gum disease or gum infection is an infectious disease that occurs in the tissues surrounding the teeth and is seen at all ages. reveals itself. Gum disease may not be noticed in the initial period. This painless disease seen in early periodontal disease can progress to the extent that it results in osteoporosis if no precautions are taken. Gum redness, canker sore on gum, an abscessed tooth, ulcers on gums, gingival recession, bad breath, loosening of the teeth and, in severe cases, tooth loss are the most common symptoms of periodontal disease. The gingival specialist in periodontal disease deals with periodontitis treatment and tries to eliminate the symptoms we have listed.
What are the types of gum disease?
The teeth are surrounded by gingiva, periodontal fibers and jawbone. Gingivitis has levels that start in the gums and extend to the bones and can even cause osteoporosis. What is gum disease?
What are the symptoms of gingivitis?
The symptoms of gingivitis differ according to the periods. The most common symptoms can be listed as follows:
What causes gingivitis?
Gingivitis can occur for different reasons. Some of them are as below:
The most important cause of gum diseases is the layer of bacteria originating from uncleaned food and saliva called microbial dental plaque. This initially soft layer should be cleaned with dental floss and brushing. Due to insufficient oral and dental care, this layer, where bacteria reproduce and multiply, turns into tartar and tartar, affecting the tissues around the tooth and increasing the severity of gum disease.
Smoking, tobacco and alcohol use are among the most important causes of gum disease.
Vitamins and minerals are very important because of their effects on tissue development and immune system support. Deficiencies can invite gum diseases.
Especially birth control pills, antidepressants, blood pressure and heart medications, drugs that suppress the immune system can trigger gum diseases.
Stress, which suppresses the immune system, mediates the onset and development of dental disease, like every disease.
Diabetes, leukemia, heart diseases can cause gum disease.
How is gum disease treatment done?
Gum treatment, gingival recession treatment, gingival bleeding treatment differs according to the stage of the disease and the tissues affected by the disease. Periodontology specialist deals with the treatment of gum disease. The first task should be to eliminate the infection that caused the disease and spread to the surrounding tissues. Plaques, which are the main source of disease, are removed. Dental calculus cleaning with ultrasonic method is another application to remove the source of infection. After this treatment, the gingiva adapts to the tooth again, shrinks and the tissue pocket is eliminated.
Frequently Asked Questions about Gum Disease-Istanbul
Is gum disease treatment painful?
Since local anesthesia is applied during the procedures, no pain is felt. Temporary tingling may occur as a result of some procedures. The reason for these stings is the removal of calculus on the root surfaces that occur due to gingival recessions.
What is good for gum disease?
Oral and dental care should be a priority for gum diseases. Plaque and stone formation can be prevented with regular and correct brushing and use of rope. Interface care is important to clean the plaques in the tooth spaces. Effective oral care will be provided by removing the tartar as an examination to the dentist.
Can alcohol cause gum disease?
Alcohol, which changes the structure and amount of saliva, causes odor in the mouth and causes the spread of the infection in the mouth area. For this reason, it has negative effects on the onset and spread of gingival diseases.
How much are the prices of gingivitis treatment in Turkey?
Gum disease 2022 prices differ as different treatments are applied according to the stage and severity of the disease. Depending on the progression of the disease, the price will naturally increase in cases where the number of sessions is high. There are base prices determined and announced by the Turkish Dental Association. Dentists determine the final price depending on the number of sessions, materials used and other expenses. It is more accurate to learn the exact price after the dentist's examination.
You can contact us to benefit from appointment and examination service. You can benefit from our examination by applying to our clinic and start your treatment at the most affordable price.
Is mouthwash used for periodontitis treatment?
Mouthwash is an oral care product that should be used to prevent many dental or gum diseases or to reduce the disease that has started. It will be beneficial to use it to prevent plaque and tartar formation by supporting tooth cleaning and gingival health. The dentist's advice on the mouthwash to be used should be a priority.
Which department deals with periodontal disease?
The gingival diseases department is the periodontology department. People who complain of gum disease should apply to this department and be treated.
Does smoking affect gum disease?
Smoking weakens the immune system and exacerbates the disease. It should not be forgotten that smoking reduces the effect of treatment. Studies have shown that nicotine accelerates bone loss.
Is the choice of toothpaste important for gum disease?
Brushing and brushing method is more important for the treatment or prevention of gum diseases. Many mistakes are made about brushing and brushing. It will be more beneficial to buy a brush suitable for the gingival structure and to brush and floss the teeth in accordance with the recommendations after being examined by the dentist.
Are there herbal treatments for gingivitis?
First of all, the dentist should be examined and the level of the disease should be determined. The disease may have reached the level that requires surgical intervention. Cleaning of dental stones will be possible with the treatment of the dentist. The use of plants that support immunity with antioxidant properties in recommended amounts may provide an additional contribution, but it is not sufficient alone in the treatment.
What are the causes of bad breath?
Food residues cause bad odors due to bacteria in the mouth. Due to the lack of oral care, dental caries and gum diseases increase the smell.
What happens when gum disease is left untreated?
If gum diseases are not treated, the disease can progress to the extent that it causes tooth loss.
Why are gums pulled?
Gum diseases are especially seen as a result of poor oral and dental care. In addition, tooth extraction may be inevitable as a result of incorrect oral care with incorrect brushes.
You can visit our clinic to find out what you are wondering about gingivitis (gum disease) and to have a examination. Click to contact.