Sarıyer Denta Vita Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic Istanbul
Istanbul Wisdom Teeth Removal, Impacted Wisdom Teeth.
What is a wisdom tooth? Is wisdom teeth removal necessary?

Wisdom tooth are the last adult tooth to erupt. Each wisdom tooth located in the back of the jaw can be problematic and cause discomfort such as pain and abscess. People who have problems due to 20-year-old (wisdom teeth coming in) have their teeth extracted as a last resort. Patients are searching as wisdom teeth removal near me due to their toothaches.So, is wisdom teeth removal necessary? In cases where the jaw structure is suitable for tooth development, there is no need to perform 20 tooth extraction. In addition to severe pain, wisdom teeth removal may be necessary as the lack of sufficient space in the jaw may disrupt the jaw structure or adversely affect the health and structure of neighboring teeth. The dentist who examines the teeth and jaw structure will make the final decision. In some cases, the signs of wisdom tooth may not be clear. Due to the unsuitable jaw structure, the wisdom tooth may come out at the wrong angle and remain embedded in the gingiva. Impacted wisdom teeth, which are not visible from the outside, cause severe pain.
How to understand the impacted wisdom teeth?
Dental X-rays are taken for oral and dental examination of people who show some signs of toothache or wisdom tooth. X-ray of the teeth gives clear information about the root of the tooth, its structure, cyst, and the presence of impacted wisdom teeth. A semi-impacted 20-bit tooth, which is not visible from the outside and is horizontal, becomes apparent with this x-ray. After the image is examined, the dentist decides whether the wisdom teeth removal is normal or whether it will be performed in the form of surgery by making an incision. Since cysts may be found in some impacted tooth cases, cyst treatment should be performed first and then wisdom tooth extraction should be performed.
How is wisdom tooth extraction performed?
Impacted wisdom teeth, partially erupted wisdom tooth or cramped teeth can also cause some problems such as gingivitis (gingivitis or periodontitis), wisdom teeth swelling bad breath and tooth decay, tissue loss in the roots and enamel of the adjacent teeth. For this reason, a 20-size tooth that creates congestion in the mouth should be removed, although it comes out at a smooth angle next to the semi-impacted and impacted tooth. Wisdom teeth removal cost is cheaper when compared to other dental treatments. Wisdom teeth removal is performed using x-ray images. The extraction of 20 teeth, which came out at the right angle and needs to be removed due to congestion or decay, is like other tooth extractions that do not require an operation. However, most of the problematic teeth have to be extracted with a procedure called wisdom tooth surgery.
How is impacted wisdom teeth surgery performed?
Wisdom teeth surgery is performed according to the position of the tooth seen on the x-ray. It is very difficult to extract the tooth in one piece in cases where the 20 tooth roots are embedded in the jawbone. In this case, the wisdom tooth is divided into several parts by the dentist. The other method is to open an incision in the gum. 20 teeth can be removed more easily in this way. After dental extraction, the cut area is sutured. This surgical procedure is especially in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgeon. The duration of treatment varies depending on the number and position of the teeth. Swelling may occur after the operation and severe pain may occur after wisdom teeth removal after the effect of the anesthetic agent wears off. In this case, it is beneficial to use painkillers prescribed by the physician.
Frequently Asked Questions about Wisdom Teeth Istanbul
Is impacted tooth extraction difficult?
Some patients state that they experience great fear by asking questions such as how to extract a broken tooth, how to extract a tooth root, how to extract a buried tooth. These tooth extractions are not much different from a non-problematic tooth extraction. After anesthetizing the fractured tooth, tooth root and impacted tooth extraction area close to the gingiva, the impacted tooth, broken tooth or tooth root is grasped with a tool called forceps and pulled with movements made from right to left. In cases where extraction is difficult, an incision is made on the gingiva and the gingiva is opened and the problematic teeth are easily removed. Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the recommendations for gums that require stitches after extraction. In the presence of pain, the pain is relieved with the recommended painkiller.
How long does tooth extraction take?
We witness that the questions such as how long does a tooth extraction take are mostly asked by people who are afraid and worried about tooth extraction. The tooth extraction process can be completed in different time depending on factors such as the connection of the tooth with the bone, the number of roots in the teeth and whether the roots are oriented in different directions, the position of the tooth with the adjacent teeth, the level of the fracture in the tooth. In more difficult cases, the time will be longer. For this reason, it is difficult to talk about an exact time. Extraction of a non-problematic tooth is generally performed in 15-20 minutes.
How to remove broken tooth during tooth extraction?
Teeth may break during tooth extraction due to variables such as the roots of molars being very separated and curved, the loss of flexibility of the bone, the thickness of the jawbone, the presence of teeth that have almost no part to be held by forceps, and the wrong intervention of the dentist. In this case, there is no need to worry. The dentist can remove the sciatic tooth and its remnants using forceps and a lever-like instrument that acts like a lever. Tooth root or residue that cannot be removed in this way can be removed more easily by opening the gingiva after a small incision on the gingiva. However, care must be taken not to leave any tooth residue. The residual tooth may cause abscess formation, as well as the failure of the prosthesis procedures to be performed later, and the loss of functionality of the prosthesis.