E-Max Veneers in Turkey – Cost & Reviews, Istanbul
Emax crown (Emax veneers) in Turkey and Empress crown (Empress veneers) Cost

With Empress crown & Emax crown treatment, your broken or distorted teeth look like your natural teeth and your smiles become aesthetic. Moreover, you can use your teeth for years without any decay.
What is Empress crown & Emax crown?
Empress crown & Emax crown is one of the most preferred aesthetic dental treatments. Emax veneers & Empress veneers, empress tooth, full porcelain tooth, emax tooth, full porcelain tooth are also frequently used for such veneers. Empress crown has almost the same features as emax crown. These crowns are obtained by increasing the durability of the porcelain material under high pressure. Due to its high light transmittance and the absence of metal in it, it gives the teeth a real tooth appearance. Emax veneers & Empress veneers technique is used especially in anterior teeth that are the most aesthetically pleasing, and in premolars with less force. The Emax veneers, on the other hand, has the characteristics of an Empress crown, but is more durable than it. For this reason, it can be used on all teeth in the mouth.
Who can have Empress crown & Emax crown?
In which patients can Emax veneers & Empress veneers be applied? The following information will be illuminating as an answer to this question:
What are the advantages of Empress crown & Emax crown?
How much are Empress crown & Emax crown in Istanbul?
There is no fixed price for Emax veneers & Empress veneers. Although the Turkish Dental Association has determined the base prices for veneer applications, the prices may vary depending on the situations listed below.
How is Empress crown & Emax crown treatment done?
The treatment steps applied by the dentist for Emax crown & Empress crown can be summarized as follows:
Tooth imaging and measurement is done
The dentist performs the imaging of the teeth to be veneered with different techniques and takes the measurements.
The treatment area is anesthetized with local anesthesia.
In order to perform the pre-crown treatments and the crown process painlessly, the mouth and chin area are anesthetized with local anesthesia.
If there is damage to the tooth or gingiva, it is treated.
Pre-treatment is performed in cases where there is damage to the tooth or gingiva (such as caries) to be veneered. Tooth veneer is made possible.
Cleaning/abrasion is applied on the tooth:
In order to make the veneer, a fine etching is done on the tooth.
Measurements of the worn tooth are taken:
Measurements are made of the tooth that has been eroded and is ready for veneer.
Temporary veneers are attached to the tooth.
Temporary veneers are placed on the patient's teeth until the permanent veneers are ready. In this way, the patient can use their teeth in this temporary period.
Preparation in the laboratory
Emax & Empress teeth suitable for the tooth measured are prepared in the laboratory. While obtaining the Emax crown, lithium disilicate is used, which further increases the durability. In this respect, the most important difference between Emax crown and Empress crown is the presence of this substance.
The prepared veneer is tested by placing it on the tooth.
Patient consent is obtained
The crown is discussed with the patient. It is determined whether the color, size and shape of the crown are suitable.
Veneers are adhered to the tooth
If the patient's consent is obtained, veneers are placed on the tooth using medical adhesives. If the patient is not satisfied with the crown, the crown is adapted to the patient's wishes with a new laboratory study.
The dentist advises
After the veneer treatment, the dentist gives advice to the patient about oral and jaw care and nutrition.
Emax & Empress dental veneer or zirconium veneer? What are the differences between Empress teeth and Zirconium?
The information we will provide below will be illuminating in order to eliminate the indecision of Emax crown & Empress dental veneer or zirconium:
Although they do not contain metal, both zirconium and Emax veneers & Empress veneers are quite durable. However, zirconium veneer is stronger and more durable than Emax veneers & Empress veneers.
Zirconium crown can be used on all teeth. Since the zirconium crown has high durability, it is the most ideal crown type for molar teeth that have a high chewing force and are overloaded.
Empress veneers can be used on all teeth except molars. Although Emax veneers is not ideal, it can also be used on molars.
The aesthetic properties of Emax veneers & Empress veneers are better than zirconium veneers. For this reason, they are widely used in anterior teeth where aesthetic appearance is important. Since the same level of aesthetic appearance cannot be obtained with zirconium crowns, their use is not preferred in front teeth.
Emax crown & Empress crown is not used in crown bridges. Zirconium crowns are easily used instead of metal-supported crowns in long bridges.
Frequently Asked Questions about Turkey Emax Veneers & Empress Veneers Istanbul
How should Emax veneers & Empress veneers care be done in Istanbul
Empress veneers and e max veneer care are the same as in normal dental care. It is enough to make the following a habit:
How long is Emax veneers & Empress veneers used?
It is difficult to say anything definite about the life of the veneer. It can be used for years if routine oral care is done regularly. Performing dental checks at 6-month intervals will increase the life of the veneer.
How long do the treatment sessions of Emax veneers & Empress veneers last?
The first session of Empress veneers takes approximately 25-30 minutes. During this period, only one tooth is prepared for the veneer and the temporary veneer is attached. The time is shortened in the next session or sessions.
Is it possible to be toothless during Emax veneers & Empress veneers treatment?
Since temporary veneers are placed on the teeth that are abraded during Emax veneers & Empress veneers, the patient will not be toothless until permanent veneers are attached.
Do Emax crown & Empress crown cause cold or hot sensitivity?
Abrasion on the tooth to place the veneer and increase the retention may cause sensitivity in the first days. Sensitivity decreases and disappears over time. If necessary, it is also possible to completely remove the sensitivity by performing root canal treatment.
Do Emax veneers & Empress veneers cause allergies?
Emax veneers & Empress veneers do not contain substances that cause allergies in the mouth or throughout the body. No case has been found that these veneers, which are biologically completely compatible with the mouth structure and are not rejected by the body, cause allergies. It is a type of veneer that patients with allergy problems can use without hesitation.
Does Emax veneers & Empress veneers change color?
One of the most important features of Emax crown & Empress crown that they do not change color over time. The ceramic material used for veneer is resistant to color changes. In cases where regular brushing is not done, pollution can be seen on the tooth surface after years due to smoking. This contamination can be easily removed by the dentist cleaning the teeth in a single session.
Is there a danger of Emax & Empress dental veneers coming off or breaking?
We can think of Emax & Empress veneered teeth as normal teeth. Since it is fixed with special medical adhesives, it is almost as strong as normal teeth. For this reason, there are no cases of removal or breakage of the coating. However, trying to break hard objects that are difficult for even normal teeth to break with coated teeth may cause the coating to fall or break.
Will there be internal decay in Emax crown & Empress crown teeth?
Since the veneers are compatible with the tooth, an environment where bacteria can feed does not form under the veneer, and bacteria do not grow. The specialty of the adhesive prevents the coating and tooth from melting under the influence of chemical substances in the mouth. The tooth has been used for years due to the absence of bacterial plaques and the absence of dissolution and separation between the coating and the tooth.
You can visit our clinic to find out what you are wondering about Emax veneers & Empress veneers Treatment and to have free examination.
Will there be gray color/bruising on the gingiva at the end of Emax crown treatment?
There may be color changes in the gingiva due to the metal material in the coating. Since metal is not used during Emax crown & Empress crown, there is no color change in the gums.